Law Offices of Landon Northcutt Misdemeanors

Misdemeanor Lawyer in Erath & Hood Counties, TX

Also Defending Texans in Stephenville, Granbury, Somervell County, Comanche County, Parker County & Eastland County

A misdemeanor in Texas refers to a type of criminal offense considered less serious than a felony but more severe than an infraction. Misdemeanor convictions can affect an individual's life, impacting employment, housing, and advanced educational opportunities. It can also harm professional licensing eligibility in many careers. 

Beyond the immediate penalties, such as fines and jail time, those found guilty may encounter long-term social and financial barriers. All of these consequences can affect one’s future. An aggressive defense is critical for those accused of a misdemeanor, especially juveniles, college students, and young adults who must forge their futures without being hampered by a criminal record. 

At the Law Offices of Landon Northcutt, we understand your concerns, stress, and confusion when faced with misdemeanor charges. You may not understand Texas criminal law, the legal process, or how best to defend yourself. We provide seasoned and aggressive representation backed by 25 years of practice in the Texas courts. 

Arrange for a free case assessment with our Erath County misdemeanor attorney via our online contact form or by calling (254) 355-4654

Classes of Texas Misdemeanors & Their Penalties

Texas categorizes misdemeanors into three distinct classes based on the gravity of the offense:

  • Class A: The most serious with penalties, including up to a year in jail, fines up to $4,000, or both.
  • Class B: May incur up to 180 days in jail, a maximum fine of $2,000, or both.
  • Class C: The least serious, often resulting in a fine of up to $500 with no jail time.

Common misdemeanor offenses in Texas include but are not limited to: 

  • Theft under $1000: Shoplifting or petty theft, potentially leading to fines and a tarnished reputation.
  • Public intoxication: This can result in a fine of up to $500, being fingerprinted, booked, and having a mugshot taken; you will also be detained in jail until law enforcement determines you are sober. 
  • Disorderly conduct: Charges could range from a Class C to a Class B misdemeanor, depending on whether the conduct involved publicly discharging or displaying a gun. 
  • Simple assault: Charges can include Class A, B, or C misdemeanor, depending on the circumstances and type of victim. 
  • Possession of a controlled substance: Depending on the schedule of the drug, this offense can carry significant social stigma and legal consequences, such as a Class A misdemeanor charge
  • DWI first offense: Risks include driver's license suspension, increased insurance rates, fines, and possibly jail time.

Social Impact of a Texas Misdemeanor Conviction

The impact of a misdemeanor conviction can be wide-ranging, potentially leading to difficulty finding employment due to criminal background checks, loss of professional licenses or barriers to obtaining them, challenges in securing housing, as some landlords and property management companies conduct background checks, loss of eligibility for certain educational scholarships or programs, and immigration issues, including deportation for noncitizens. 

The Importance of Legal Representation

Navigating the legal system alone can be challenging, especially when facing the complications of a misdemeanor charge. It's essential to have an experienced lawyer to protect your rights and reduce the potential negative aftermath of a conviction. 

The Law Offices of Landon Northcutt provides the legal proficiency and human support needed to guide you through the nuances of Texas law. We work aggressively to achieve the best possible outcome, recognizing that even minor charges can significantly affect your life. 

If you're facing a misdemeanor charge, it's crucial to consult with our Erath and Hood Counties misdemeanor lawyer to explore your legal options and develop a robust defense strategy.

Connect with a team member via our online contact form or call (254) 355-4654 to book a free case review with our attorney today. 

Why Choose the Law Offices of Landon Northcutt?

An Experienced Advocate Protecting Your Rights
  • Personalized Solutions
    At our firm, we hold the conviction that every case is significant, and we are committed to protecting your interests. We understand the unique aspects of each case and employ a comprehensive approach focused on achieving the best possible resolution for your case.
  • 25+ Years Experience
    Since opening in 1999, we have represented numerous clients in both Criminal Defense and Personal Injury cases. We are dedicated to utilizing the knowledge and expertise acquired since the inception of our firm to ensure the preservation of our clients' interests.
  • Spanish Service Offered
    Our law firm is equipped to cater to individuals who prefer Spanish-speaking services, providing a seamless experience for our Spanish-speaking clients. Your legal needs are our priority, and we strive to make the legal process accessible and comfortable for all.
  • Free Consultations
    Our experienced team is ready to assess your case, provide valuable insights, and discuss potential legal strategies at no cost to you. Take the first step toward understanding your options and securing proven legal advice by scheduling a free consultation.